Learning Outcomes
  • Be able to speak the language well enough to satisfy routine social demands and limited nonspecific, work related tasks
  • Be able to comprehend face-to-face speech in standard language spoken at a normal rate with some repetition and rewording by a native speaker not accustomed to dealing with foreigners
  • Have sufficient comprehension to read authentic printed material or edited texts and material within a familiar context
  • Be able to write routine social correspondence and simple discourse as well as cohesive summaries, resumes, short narratives and descriptions on factual topics in the past, present, and future times
  • Possess a broad understanding of the history and civilization of the target culture
  • Possess a critical and theoretically-based awareness of the literary and cultural traditions, periods, genres and contexts of the target language
Career Possibilities:
  • Translator/Interpreter
  • Diplomat/Ambassador
  • Social Worker
  • Teacher
  • College Professor
  • International Business
  • Travel Agent
  • Archivist
  • Art Dealer
  • Historian