The options are:

    • Traditional Physics Option:?This option is designed for students intending graduate studies in physics or planning to obtain an industrial position with a traditional physics degree.
    • Solid State Physics Option:?This option is designed for students presently employed by or intending employment in the semiconductor industry. It will provide theoretical foundations and practical experience in solid state physics.
    • Energy Science Option:?This option will prepare graduates for energy-related careers in industry and government and will provide the student with a strong background in the technical, economic, and instrumentation aspects of all energy resources. Please check with the Department about the availability of classes to complete this option.
    • Secondary Education Option:?This option allows students to get a B.S. in Physics and secondary science teacher certification in collaboration with the UCCSTeach program.

Courses in each option are chosen to teach the fundamental concepts on which the field is based. Laboratories are designed to give students practical hands-on experience. Advanced laboratories provide opportunities to study and use state-of-the-art technology in the student's area of interest. The Solid State Laboratory required in the Solid State option is designed to teach the fundamentals of materials technology. Students in each of the options are required to take the core course requirements as well as the option requirements listed below.