Communication majors learn about how people communicate with each other, how to communicate effectively interpersonally, on an organizational level, or via the mass media, what mass media messages mean and how they impact individuals and society and, in the process, they also build skills that can open the door to many rewarding career opportunities.

Here are some examples:
Electronic Media/Radio/Television
  • Director of Broadcasting
  • Producer
  • Market Researcher
  • Technical Writer
  • Web developer
  • Social Media Specialist
  • Editor
  • News Writer
  • Technical Writer
  • Newscaster
  • Anchorperson
  • Advertising Specialist
  • Copywriter
  • Media Planner
  • Creative Director
  • Media Buyer/Sales Representative
Public Relations
  • Publicist
  • Lobbyist
  • Account Executive
  • Corporate Public Affairs
Digital Film / Cinema
  • Producer
  • Screenwriter
  • Film Editor
  • Film Critic
  • Cinematographer
  • Video Production Specialist
Health Care
  • Health Educator/Communicator
  • Health Campaign Director
  • Health Communication Analyst
  • Medical Grant Writer
  • Hospital Director of Communication
Government / Politics
  • Political Campaign Director
  • Public Information Office Writer
  • Program Coordinator
  • Legislative Assistant
  • Manager
  • Personnel Recruiter
  • Negotiator / Mediator
  • Director of Training and Development
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Legal Researcher
  • Legal Secretary
  • Legal Reporter
  • Mediation & Negotiation Specialist