The undergraduate curriculum provides students with theoretical foundations and practical experience in both hardware and software aspects of computers. The curriculum in computer science is integrated with courses in the sciences and the humanities to offer an education that is broad, yet of sufficient depth and relevance to enhance student employment opportunities upon graduation. As a degree program within a professional school of the university, the curriculum is based on the criterion that graduates are expected to function successfully in a professional employment environment immediately upon graduation.

By the time of graduation, students are expected to demonstrate:

    • An ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles, and computer science theory and practice
    • An ability to model, design, implement and test software systems in a way that demonstrates comprehension of the trade-offs involved in design and implementation choices
    • An ability to learn to use new design methodologies, operating systems, languages, and other software development tools within reasonable time constraints
    • An ability to function effectively on teams related to software development
    • An ability to communicate with others, both orally and in writing, about technical subjects
    • An understanding of professional, ethical and social responsibilities