• Courses offered by Biology focus on the function of molecules or cells (e.g., Membrane Biophysics, Mammalian Histology, Neurophysiology), on the integration of organ systems (e.g., Vertebrate Form and Function, Mammalian Physiology), on the interaction of organisms with each other and their environment (e.g. Animal Behavior, Plant Ecology, Population Ecology), on evolutionary process and diversification (e.g., Principles of Evolution), and/or on the relationship between humans and their environment (e.g., Biology of Conservation and Extinction).
  • In addition to a strong foundation in basic biology, our faculty provide students interested in medical careers with courses that discuss medical applications (Biology of Cancer, Diseases of the Nervous System) and evolutionary considerations. The program has particular strengths in neuroscience, evolutionary developmental biology, and ecology. Our diverse faculty and our linkages with other institutions, such as the National Institutes of Health and the Smithsonian Institution, provide students with a wealth of research opportunities to prepare them for careers in medicine, conservation biology, public policy, education, and more.