Over the past decade, the program has established a winning record in intercollegiate competitions. Regional, national, and international competitions in Mini-Baja vehicles, human-powered submarines, solar energy, and others have resulted in numerous prizes and honors for our students and faculty. These successes have drawn the interest of a wide variety of industries, all impressed with our students’ abilities to get the job done.

 Program Objectives

  • Graduates will provide value in their chosen career path, whether for mastery of the disciplines central to mechanical engineering or for the broader analytical skills, critical thinking, innovation and/or creative abilities provided by their engineering education.
  • Graduates will utilize skills in teamwork, leadership, and communication gained in their program of study, and act in a professional and ethical manner in the area in which they apply their degree.
  • Graduates will show a commitment to on-going professional development, whether through graduate study, research programs, training courses, or leadership opportunities thereby adapting to an evolving, competitive global work environment.