MS in Civil Engineering with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Space, Energy, Oil & Gas and Petrochemical Industries are seeking talented engineers who have the ability to mine terabytes of data to build environmentally friendly solutions. Machine Learning techniques help engineers better understand, predict and navigate Environmental changes.
To start a career in the USA with dual specialization. Particularly suitable for civil and environmental engineering students.
After Complete the courses at INSOFE, students move to Cleveland to take the remaining courses at Case Western Reserve University, USA
This program consists of 3 semesters and students will complete their first semester in India at INSOFE, Second and Third semester in the USA at Case Western Reserve University. Students also have the opportunity to get scholarships up to $15,000.
Direct enrolment to Case Western Reserve University would cost students $57,250 however, going through INSOFE would cost students only $42,938 because of the scholarship obtained via INSOFE.