Students who elect to complete the master's program pay full tuition. The MSD program is open to non-US citizens and foreign-trained dentists. Foreign-trained dentists?must complete a US GPR or AEGD before applying to the program.
Our purpose is to train the specialist as a qualified practitioner, consultant and advocate for complete dental treatment of healthy and special needs children.
The acquired skills prepare the pediatric dental resident to prevent, diagnose and treat common and unusual oral problems that might arise during the physical, psychological and emotional development of the child and adolescent. In addition to the oral aspects of childcare, the resident becomes cognizant of the general health problems related to children.
Our program offers a balanced clinical and didactic curriculum in advanced infant, child and adolescent dental care.
The pediatric dentistry curriculum is designed to have the resident play an integral role in the health care of children, side by side with his/her medical colleagues, and to prepare the resident for successful entry into the contemporary practice setting while providing the foundation for future growth in the field.