Clemson’s philosophy degree will help you gain a broad understanding of the human condition and develop the ability to bring critical thinking and organizational skills to creative problem solving. The philosophy major is especially well regarded as preparation for law and medical school. Graduates also pursue graduate work in a wide variety of humanities, social sciences and other disciplines. With three distinct emphasis areas: philosophy; law, liberty and justice; and religious studies, Clemson’s program is well equipped to meet your specific career goals.

Fast Facts

  • Clemson’s Ethics Bowl Team has one of the most successful records of competitive debate in the United States.
  • Philosophy majors are intellectually equipped for the pursuit of advanced studies in a broad range of fields.
  • Philosophy majors receive some of the highest scores on admissions tests for law and medical schools.
  • Clemson’s philosophy faculty will challenge you, immerse you, mentor you and force you out of your comfort zone.
  • Hardin Hall is home for Clemson’s philosophy students. Originally built in 1890, the building has been renovated twice and is arguably the most beautiful historic classroom building on campus.