As an industrial engineering major, you’ll learn how this diverse discipline will allow you flexibility in your future career path. We teach you how to manage people, machines and systems so you will be prepared to be the next-generation engineer or executive. Industrial engineering is one of the fastest growing and most sought after professions in the world, and our graduates work in industries from manufacturing to service to banking.

Fast Facts

  • Industrial engineering is one of the fastest growing engineering fields, with projected growth of 14 percent in the next 10 years.
  • Banks, hospitals, manufacturing and warehousing industries and government agencies all depend on the skills of industrial engineers.
  • Our graduates work at BMW, General Electric, Bank of America, ExxonMobil, Fluor Corp., Boeing and Microsoft.
  • The industrial engineering profession has the highest percentage of women of all engineering disciplines.
  • On the Clemson admissions application, you'll apply as a general engineering major.