As a food science major, you’ll learn all there is to know about how food impacts the human body and our society. This program is more than just classroom learning, as you’ll spend hours in labs creating and learning about all the wonderful qualities of foods.

No matter if you prefer the chemistry of combining food elements, exploring the safety of the foods we buy or aiding a young celiac patient in selecting a safe diet, you’ll leave Clemson prepared to take your career to the next level.

Fast Facts

  • Our food science and technology concentration is approved by the Institute of Food Technologists.
  • If eligible your senior year, you can begin graduate course work to earn your master’s.
  • Our students develop and market Clemson’s famous ice cream through the ’55 Exchange.
  • You’ll have a chance to study in Belgium and explore this unique intersection where many cultural foods collide.
  • Our students compete nationally for Danisco product development and the Institute of Food Technologists College Bowl.