Accountants are idea-and-solutions people. Their work is varied, dynamic and challenging — your classes will be the same. Our students graduate with a thorough understanding of the financial aspects of business along with good presentation and people skills. While accountants frequently hold management positions in larger organizations, many also start their own businesses. Many pursue their CPA certification. Still others pursue a law degree or a career in federal law enforcement. No matter the direction you wish to take, accounting is a sound place to start.

Fast Facts:

  • Research projects are done using the same electronic databases used by accountants in large public accounting firms and corporations.
  • Students learn the financial language of business and how to assess, measure and report on an organization's profitability and financial health.
  • After graduation, you will have the skills for a number of career options such as corporate accounting or internal auditing. You’ll also prepared to enter graduate-level training to become a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).
  • Our students are highly recruited within the Southeast. Our national reputation allows us to assist students who wish to obtain positions outside of the region.