Actuarial science applies probability theory and risk management to the areas of life and health insurance, property and casualty insurance, pension plans, and other employee benefit plans. Students who seek a graduate degree in actuarial science may have earned an undergraduate degree in mathematics, finance, economics, computer science, or other related fields.

The  programme offered by Roosevelt University is designed with the requirements for certification by the Society of Actuaries (SOA) and the Casualty Actuarial Society(CAS) in mind. The actuarial science courses in the curriculum cover most of the topics in the syllabi of the first set of SOA and CAS exams, and students take courses that fulfill the actuarial societies' requirements for Validation by Educational Experience (VEE). Students will have a chance to network with actuaries that are employed in the industry and learn about professional skills and culture. Students have the opportunity to work on an intensive modeling project with an industrial partner and to learn and apply multiple forms of statistical software.