During the  programme offered by Roosevelt University, students are individualized according to their interests and culminate in a senior project that melds their work in music with their second discipline.

The BMA's curricular flexibility serves students with a tremendous passion for music as well as aptitude and interest in other fields. Senior projects have been very creative: they have included research papers, lecture-recitals, comparative studies, original dramatic works such as one-act operas, and pieces combining narration and music with both text and score written by the student.

The degree is designed for the student with a strong academic background who believes that music and cultural engagement are integral elements in a just, healthy and productive society, and who wishes to combine the study of music with a second field outside of music. The outside field may be an established minor program offered by the university, selected courses in a single discipline, or a self-designed course of study that combines several disciplines as desired (e.g. History and Political Science). Students' programs are individualized according to their interests and culminate in a senior project that melds their work in music with their second discipline.