Roosevelt is one of the few universities in the United States where students can study economics from heterodox points of view. A commitment to pluralism, intellectual tolerance, and diversity of thought and method are essential to the Roosevelt approach to economics. Courses of the  programme offered by Roosevelt University include eclectic, institutionalist, Post Keynesian, feminist, and Marxist approaches to economic analysis in addition to standard Neoclassical and Keynesian approaches. Our objective is not to replace one orthodoxy with another but rather to encourage students to view economics as an evolving discipline that can help them make sense of the world around them and succeed in a rewarding career.


Our graduates work as business, financial, government and labor economists and for social service and philanthropic organizations. They teach in secondary schools and colleges, and some go on to pursue doctoral degrees. Alumni include the chief economist for the state of Illinois, research economists at the U.S. Department of Labor, and research analysts with Apple, Amazon and eBay.