Spiritual Direction is the skilled accompaniment one Christian gives to another in growing intimacy with God and in the discernment of matters of life-integration. How do I deepen my relationship with God, myself, and others? How do I find meaning in my everyday life? How do I respond to poverty and injustice? How do I follow Christ as he walks in our world today? The spiritual director is a third-party in the existing relationship between God and a person. Spiritual direction in Christianity has a long history. From the time of Jesus to the current day, it continues to be a crucial ministry.

The Spiritual Accompaniment track is designed to prepare spiritual directors to facilitate the regular, on-going practice of being with people as they attempt to deepen their relationship with the divine, or to learn and grow in their own personal spirituality. The person seeking direction shares stories of his or her encounters of the divine, or how he or she is experiencing spiritual issues.

The Spiritual Accompaniment “director” walks alongside each person on his or her spiritual journey, accompanying individuals as they become more fully realized spiritual beings. While incorporating many aspects of Ignatian Spirituality, the Spiritual Accompaniment track program is eclectic, drawing on the richness of many spiritual traditions