A major in Classical Studies — Classical Civilization, ancient Greek, or Latin — provides a well-rounded knowledge of Western culture and traditions. Classical Studies minors (also available in all three fields) can add vital depth to a student's liberal arts education. Both majors and minors are excellent preparations for pre-law or pre-medical programs, business, and other careers: Classical Studies students learn to apply their learning in cross-disciplinary, integrative ways that enable them to capitalize on multidimensional understanding of whole cultures. The breadth and liveliness of their learning and the strength of their grasp on it is an asset in every kind of endeavor.

For a major in Greek, students must take eight courses beyond the elementary Greek sequence, reading ancient Greek literature in Greek. Options include courses on specific authors such as Euripides, Aristophanes and Homer, and on topics such as Greek oratory and historiography. In addition, majors must complete a 3-credit Greek composition course and take the year-long senior capstone, "The Humanism of Antiquity." The major is thus a total of 33 credit hours