Our program attracts physicians, nurses, social workers, chaplains, health care administrators, lawyers, researchers, and even a few of our own medical students.

Our faculty members are trained in a variety of disciplines: law, medical humanities, philosophy, psychology, public health, theology, and health care ethics. Moreover, our faculty members are dedicated online educators, with decades of combined experience teaching online and blended courses. Because of the commitment of our faculty to online education, we can boast a low attrition rate, and students typically complete the master’s program within 2 to 3 years.

We realize that in an age of high tech, students still expect high touch. Faculty members are readily available by e-mail or phone and we are heavily involved in the creation, preparation and teaching of our graduate online courses. We use a very user friendly course management system which involves both asynchronous discussions online as well as occasional real time conference calls. In many ways, our students prefer the asynchronous nature of our course discussions, as it affords them much more flexibility and convenience