The Department of Chemistry provides graduate students a unique atmosphere, with state-of-the-art instrumentation, talented teachers, and motivated researchers. Much of the current research transcends traditional boundaries to include fields such as bioorganic, bioinorganic, biophysical, and environmental chemistry. Weekly seminars and the annual Denkewalter Lecture, which brings the winner of either the American Chemical Society's Pure Chemistry or Eli Lilly awards to campus, provide opportunities to learn about recent advances from respected academic and industrial scientists.

Students may choose from either a thesis-based master's degree program or a course-based master's degree program.

Thesis-based Program: This program requires at least five courses in chemistry, with at least two courses completed in the student's major field and three in the student's minor fields. The remaining credits are earned in research courses. A total of 24 credit hours is required. To complete the degree, students must write and defend a research thesis.

Length of Program: Full-time students usually complete the program in 2 years. Part-time students generally complete the program in 3.5 years.

Course-based Programs: This program requires eight graduate level courses in chemistry for a total of 24 credit hours. One course must be taken in four of the following five areas: analytical, biochemistry, inorganic, organic, and physical. The remaining four courses may be distributed among the different areas, or a student may specialize in a particular area.

Length of Program: Full-time students usually complete the program in 1 year. Part-time students generally complete the program in 2 years