Courses in the ancient Greek and Latin languages are necessary for graduate studies in Classics and other fields that encompass the ancient Mediterranean world. They make an excellent way for students to acquaint themselves with ancient Greek and Roman culture first-hand.

Classical Civilization courses use only texts that have been translated into English. They provide a comprehensive study of important topics in many disciplines of study.

A major in Classical Studies — Classical Civilization, ancient Greek, or Latin — provides a well-rounded knowledge of Western culture and traditions. Classical Studies minors (also available in all three fields) can add vital depth to a student's liberal arts education. Both majors and minors are excellent preparations for pre-law or pre-medical programs, business, and other careers: Classical Studies students learn to apply their learning in cross-disciplinary, integrative ways that enable them to capitalize on multidimensional understanding of whole cultures. The breadth and liveliness of their learning and the strength of their grasp on it is an asset in every kind of endeavor