Emphases / Concentrations:

  • demonstrate basic knowledge, skills and values related to various forms and structure in governments, and relate those specifics to political and policy outcomes, as necessary, for responsible and active participation as both national and international citizens
  • effectively apply critical thinking and problem solving skills to political issues, and utilize normative and empirical analysis tools in the study of national and international political realities
  • be able to apply an understanding of foundational and enduring political thought, and ideas throughout history, to questions of politics and policy, at the national and international levels
  • demonstrate an awareness of the role played by race, ethnicity, gender and religion in historic and contemporary political debates, and an awareness of effects of multiculturalism and diversity on domestic and international affairs
  • possess effective communication skills, including the verbal and writing skills needed to communicate clearly and effectively, make persuasive, professional presentations and convey information essential to the discipline, and beyond, in an orderly and understandable manner
  • demonstrate analytical and conceptual skills, reading skills, critical thinking and problem solving skills, and be able to effectively apply those skill sets to political issues

What could I do with my degree?

  • Employment opportunities for graduates are many and varied. A number of those who graduate each year continue their studies in law or other professional and graduate programs. A similar number find employment in the public sector or with domestic or international business firms. Opportunities also exist in party politics, campaign organizations, the military forces or with the communications media.