Students must apply and be accepted into the Athletic Training Program. Admission to the program is based upon evaluation of the student's application materials.

Athletic Training is a tough, yet thoroughly rewarding career path.? Once you enter the program you are quickly thrown into the mix.? Need help?? Your classmates and students from other years are always there for you.? New students are welcomed at the end of Spring Quarter the year before they officially start the program.

You will meet your new classmates at a barbecue and are assigned upperclassmen "Buddies" to help guide you through your first year.? We also say goodbye to our graduating class at this barbeque, and share stories and a few laughs about our experiences.

Outside of our classes and clinical work, we also run the Athletic Training Club, which functions as a way for us to reach out to our community, strengthen our friendships, and fund our trips to the NATA District 10 Conference.