Each student majoring in humanities is expected to give careful attention to the relationships among the courses chosen for major and supporting purposes and he or she should consult with the program coordinator frequently regarding the most effective means for achieving a synthesis.

The following distribution requirements are expected to meet the needs of most students; other patterns may be developed with approval of the program coordinator. In addition to the courses listed below, individual study of the classical languages, Greek and Latin, may be arranged.

Students will:? learn to distinguish basic forms and strategies of philosophy, literature and at least one of the arts and of the social sciences;
? recognize significant steps in the development of Western Civilization, not only how values have developed internally, but also the ways in which new values have entered the culture from other civilizations;
? write clear and effective English in a variety of rhetorical contexts;
? use the different areas and functions of a library and demonstrate practical use of information resources in simple but independent research;
? learn how useful interpretations arise from differing experiences and information, especially from those who are different in age, abilities, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation;
? learn the values of intellectual honesty, personal responsibility and the habits of active, rather than passive, learning.