Technical writers, also called technical communicators, make technical information available and understandable to people who need it. According to the U.S. department of Labor, technical writers prepare instruction manuals, journal articles, and other supporting documents to communicate complex and technical information more easily. They also develop, gather, and disseminate technical information among customers, designers, and manufacturers. They usually work with subject matter experts such as engineers, technicians, or scientists. Technical Communicators create, design, edit,? and produce a variety of documents including software and equipment manuals, maintenance procedures, sales promotion materials, organizational policies and procedures, informative articles, websites (both front and back end), and assembly instructions.

Technical communication is one of the top occupations statewide in terms of growth. Between 2014-2024, the number of new job openings per year is estimated to increase 10%. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, "job opportunities, especially for applicants with technical skills, are expected to be good. The growing reliance on technologically sophisticated products in the home and the workplace and the increasing complexity of medical and scientific information needed for daily living will create many new job opportunities for technical writers."