French is:

  • The second most frequently taught language in the world, after English, and the second language of the Internet
  • The only language other than English spoken on five continents
  • An official language in 33 countries around the world
  • The official working language, along with English, of the United Nations, the European Community and many other international organizations.

The French Program offers:

  • Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Arts in Education (BAE)
  • Academic minors for the BA and BAE
  • Summer study abroad in Nice
Goals of the Program:

The main goal of the program is the development of language skills.

The second goal of the program is to offer students as much cultural exposure as time permits. The city of Nice, built on several hills, has many attractions - the Old Town, the Chagall and Matisse Museums, the waterfront and beaches, open air markets and cafes, to mention just a few. Many excursions in the region are planned by the University of Nice.

The third goal of the program is to give teachers the opportunity to work toward the Master's of Education non-thesis degree with a major in French at Eastern Washington University. These candidates must attend the Institute in Nice twice and take one summer quarter at EWU.