Chemical engineers have historically been highly employable, with one of the highest average salaries among engineering disciplines. Approximately a quarter of U.Va. chemical engineering graduates go on to obtain advanced engineering, law, or medical degrees with the technical and rigorous training they receive in the program.

The Chemical Engineering program educational objectives are as follows:

  • Graduates demonstrate technical competency, communication skills and breadth of knowledge to enable effective service in the chemical engineering profession, to become technical leaders in industry, government or academia, or to pursue advanced study in engineering and applied sciences and in professions such as law, business, and medicine.

Our student outcomes (i.e., what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of graduation) are:

  • Able to use science, engineering, mathematical, and computational knowledge, skills, and tools to formulate and solve problems involving the technological applications of chemistry and allied sciences.
  • Well-versed in the design, conduct, and interpretation of experiments to solve problems.
  • Competent to carry out process design functions that require not only technical expertise but also interdisciplinary contributions, knowledge of contemporary industrial practice, and an awareness of economic, environmental, and ethical considerations.
  • Able to communicate effectively to technological peers and to lay audiences.
  • Able to function as effective team players and team leaders.
  • Educated about the context in which engineering is practiced in the modern world and the professional responsibilities accompanying that practice.
  • Aware of the need and able to engage in life-long learning.