As a student of creative writing, you'll explore how we try to understand our lives and our world by writing stories, poems, essays, and novels. Over the course of required workshops and seminars, you'll develop your own distinctive voice as a writer and create a portfolio of original work that you'll present in a public reading in your senior year. And by practicing different modes of writing?creative, critical, and professional?you'll also develop the kind of critical thinking and writing skills that can be applied to many different careers.

Our English majors have gone on to jobs?in publishing, editing, newspaper and television journalism, copywriting and advertising. We also have graduates who have become employees in a variety of non-traditional fields ranging from financial institutions to small businesses.

Some alumni have pursued graduate studies in literature, creative writing, teaching, drama and law. Some of our students furthering their study in English have attended University of Cambridge, Emory University, New York University, Purdue, Sarah Lawrence, Tulane, George Mason University, UNC-Greensboro, University of Iowa and University of Washington.

You will also have the option to attain licensure to teach English at the secondary level (grades 9-12) in collaboration with our Cato School of Education.?