We contribute to local, national and international dialog through exhibitions, lectures, publications, and other forms of research and outreach.

We offer expertise in the visual arts that is both interdisciplinary and intercultural, an expertise that supports a broadly based curriculum. As a vital contributor to a public urban research institution, the Department of Art & Art History endorses strategies that both derive from our current strengths and nurture our future capabilities.

The Department of Art & Art History offers three undergraduate degrees, two majors, and a minor in art history. All studio Art and Art Education classes are available to Art majors only. Many Art History classes are open to any major. Both majors require a cumulative 2.5 GPA for admission and a GPA of 2.5 in the major to graduate.

The BA in Art consists of 39 credits.   The degree requires three Art History classes and one senior-level professional preparation class. Also required are 4 Foundation (1000-level) studio classes. Finally, two 2000-level introductory studio classes (1 in two dimensions and 1 in three dimensions) and 3 other 2000-3000 level studios are required. Complete major requirements and course options are available in pdf below.  Please see Admissions tab on left for detailed information about applying to the BA in Art and portfolio deadlines.

Anyone considering a professional career or graduate school in visual art would be best served by completing the BFA in Art degree with a studio concentration.  It is recommended that all BA students follow the first 2 years of the 4-year BFA  calendars (located under BFA in Art tab on left).  If students do decide to continue with the BFA after the second year, they should be on track to graduate in a timely manner.

Students may consider adding another major or minor to complement the BA in Art.  All students must complete university general education requirements, a foreign language proficiency through the 1202 level, and have a total of 120 credit hours to graduate.  Students who only complete the BA in Art (without a second major or minor) often need to complete some elective credit hours to meet the 120 total credit hour requirement.