Each educational leadership concentration provides a different focus and offers practical applications, as well as the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to be successful as an educational leader.

This online master's degree is meant for practicing teachers seeking administrator roles which do not require state certification.

In addition to the institutional and degree level learning objectives, graduates of this program are expected to achieve these learning outcomes:

  • Manage a school setting with awareness of historical, social, political, legal, and economic influences on education, show effective leadership, and also recognize the importance of community and collaboration.
  • Demonstrate effective interpersonal communication skills to work well with school personnel, pupils, and parents and to acknowledge and appreciate diversity in its many forms to assess and instruct without influence of bias.
  • Use educational technology as an effective tool to promote student learning as well as a means to improve communication among colleagues, staff, parents, students, and the larger community.
  • Develop school policy, implement strategic plans and new programs, exhibit problem-solving skills, analyze and respond to emerging issues and trends in education, and put into practice the accepted norms and principles of educational research.
  • Manage daily school operations including record keeping, finances, and reports, and show effective leadership in the areas of supervision, evaluation, professional development, legal issues, and school reform.
  • Evaluate and effectively use performance-based assessments, and implement assessment, instruction, evaluation, and intervention plans as appropriate for diverse learner needs.