The department offers graduate education in biomedical engineering leading to the master of science and doctor of philosophy degrees. Also, a joint graduate certificate in medical devices is offered.

Students enter this program with backgrounds in engineering, physical science, mathematics, or biological science. Curricula are tailored to fit the needs and develop the potential of individual students. In addition, courses in statistics, mathematics, life sciences, and engineering sciences provide a well-rounded background of knowledge and skills.

The Joint Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program is administered by the combined biomedical engineering graduate faculty from both North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The joint program also has close working relations with the Research Triangle Institute and industries in the Research Triangle area. These associations enable students to obtain research training in a variety of fields and facilitate the selection and performance of dissertation research. Students in the joint program may study under faculty members based at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill or at North Carolina State University. Thus, the department provides students with excellent opportunities to realize the goal of enhancing medical care through the application of modern technology.