Programs of study are available at the master's level in speech-language pathology.The study of speech and hearing requires knowledge in both normal and abnormal speech, language, and hearing. The speech and hearing sciences curriculum provides a multifaceted learning environment, including classroom, laboratory, and clinical experiences. Three major tracks of study are possible within the curriculum: audiology, speech-language pathology, and speech and hearing sciences. There are three academic degree programs:

  • A master's degree (M.S.) for entry-level clinical practice of speech-language pathology
  • A professional doctorate in clinical audiology (Au.D.)
  • A Ph.D. in speech and hearing sciences for students with a background in speech-language pathology or audiology who desire a research degree

All of these programs are interdisciplinary in nature, involving clinical and research activities with other University departments and centers in addition to the Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences.