The School of Education, in keeping with the general goals of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, embraces a threefold mission of teaching, research, and service. With these purposes in mind, the school's graduate programs are designed to meet the needs of professional educators who seek to further their knowledge, understanding, and skills relating to educational processes. These professionals vary in their career orientations. Some are employed in (or wish to become employed in) educational institutions, and others, in agencies and organizations performing noninstructional educational functions.The research mission involves continuing inquiry into the development of knowledge of the teaching-learning process; human development; the organization of schools and educational agencies; the historical, social, and philosophical bases for educational institutions; and the processes of program development and implementation.The service mission provides public and private institutions and agencies with the benefits of research and consultation, thereby enhancing these institutions and agencies' ability to satisfy their educational objectives.The teaching mission involves the faculty and graduate students in applying the knowledge base in field settings and translating it into coursework.