• Excellent preparation?? Since 2011 each graduating class has completed the ETS Majors? Field Test in Biology. As a group they have ranked at, or above, the 85th percentile when compared to other institutions.
  • Biblical?? Your biology coursework will be balanced well with a liberal arts curriculum and Cedarville?s Bible minor. Our biology faculty members are distinctive in their commitment to biblical integration in the sciences and seek to help you understand your Creator more richly by studying the creation.
  • Customizable?? You will tailor your major based on your professional interests and goals by working with your faculty academic adviser. Each of our 10 biology faculty teach upper-level electives in their field of expertise. Adding a customized focus allows you to go deeper in your areas of interest, which will give you an edge in graduate ? or medical ? school, or in your vocation. You can choose to focus on environmental biology, agriculture, premedical, or one of our prehealth specializations (predental, preoptometric, preosteopathic, prephysical therapy, prephysician assistant, or preveterinary).
  • Hands-on experiences?? You will benefit from dedicated labs for each specialty area including a dedicated tissue culture workroom and a cutting-edge human anatomy and physiology laboratory. You?ll learn molecular techniques commonly used in research laboratories today, such as fluorescence microscopy, RT-PCR, Western blotting, and many others. We also have easy access to a wide variety of "field labs," including a 40-acre Prairie Restoration, Wetland Restoration, Cedar Lake, the Campus Arboretum, and the Columbus and Cincinnati Zoos. Our strong emphasis on laboratory and field experience ensures that you will be able to enter the workforce, or your graduate studies, with confidence.