Programs of study are conducted in experimental, theoretical, and translational biophysics. Areas of experimental interest include structural biology, properties of membrane ionic channels, receptors, and transporters, and synaptic processes in neurons.  Organ systems include the heart, kidney, gastrointestinal and nervous systems.

Theoretical topics include stochastic methods, modeling of biological systems, and nervous system theory.

The program in biophysics is interdisciplinary and draws on the diverse resources of Buffalo's scientific community.

A close collaboration exists with the Department of Biophysics at the Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center since the areas of fundamental research are complementary. There are also collaborations with the Department of Radiology, providing a clinically relevant experience for students who wish to pursue a career in medical radiation physics. Associations also exist with the Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the School of Dental Medicine, and with crystallographic research at the Hauptman-Woodward Institute.