Our faculty members are committed to teaching and mentoring in a collaborative environment. We provide personalized tutelage and encourage students to work closely with faculty.?

The Department of Geography provides an intellectually challenging environment that encourages the investigation of the ?where? and ?why? of various social, economic and environmental phenomena.

Geography is primarily concerned with the location and arrangement in space of human and natural phenomena, and with the interrelationships between people and their environments. Geographers have an intense curiosity about the world. They ask questions and investigate the "why" and "where" of various social, economic and environmental phenomena. They contribute to the development of public policy and influence the way society views itself and the world. Geography touches almost every aspect of our lives. Geographers are interested in such topics as the location of industry and business, urban growth and development, regional planning and policy, physical and ecological environments, interactions of people and places over space and time, and the diffusion of information and innovation.