The department of Classics offers lecture courses on the archaeology, culture, history, and literature of ancient Greece and Rome, and smaller language classes (in Latin and ancient Greek) that emphasize class participation. Majors must complete a capstone class that draws upon all of the conceptual and analytical skills that they acquired while a major.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of all requirements, the student will have knowledge to:

  • Gain knowledge of the fundamental elements of Classics, through study of the languages, classes in Greek and Roman history, art and archaeology, and culture
  • Develop their ability to read and analyze texts closely, whether in translation or in the original language
  • Demonstrate their ability to write papers, drawing on research tools in the various subdisciplines — texts, documents, physical remains, scholarly articles and books, theoretical approaches and digital tools
  • Understand the legacy of the Greek and Roman world, its historical importance in our own culture
  • Be encouraged to supplement classroom learning with experience abroad, whether as part of an archaeological expedition or study abroad program