All BA Theatre students take core courses in the fundamentals of theatre, and then choose from among a wide variety of courses in their specific areas of interest, including acting, directing, dramaturgy, stage management, or theatre studies. Our graduates have gone on to graduate study, have followed successful careers in professional theatre, film, and television, or have applied their theatre skills to enter law school, MBA programs, arts administration, education, and many other professional fields. A Theatre major is an excellent way for students to develop the critical skills of writing, technology, presentation, and critical thinking vital to professional success in the 21st century.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of all requirements, the student will have knowledge to:

  • Identify major figures and events from theatre history, theory and criticism.
  • Define and use appropriate critical vocabulary of theatre arts, including script analysis, acting, and design terminology.
  • Critically read, interpret, and evaluate a range of representative plays and situate representative plays and performance events within larger cultural and historical movements.
  • Construct and articulate in speech and writing a compelling thesis about theatre history, literature, or theory using acquired research skills and critical vocabulary.
  • Integrate the concerns of actors, directors, and designers into a collaborative creative process, both in the creation of extant plays and original work.
  • Demonstrate the ability to conceive and execute an original performance, either solo or in a collaborative process.