Program Information

Geography is the scientific study of the distribution of both physical and human features of the Earth’s surface. Geographers seek to describe, relate and explain the natural and cultural phenomena that distinguish places around the world. Geographers focus upon “where” and “why” questions concerning the global environment.

Geography also functions as a bridge between the natural sciences; its perspective on the location of phenomena makes it unique among the academic disciplines. The process of change is a fundamental theme in geography and the examination of how humankind modifies the Earth is a continual emphasis. The study of geography is thus of vital concern to all citizens and provides graduates with numerous career opportunities in business, education, and government.

Program Emphases

  • The Planning Emphasis stresses research techniques and is oriented toward future employment in governmental, industrial, military, or planning positions.
  • The Environmental Planning and Management Emphasis is designed to prepare students for careers in governmental, industrial, managerial, recreational areas, and commercial corporations.