The Department offers a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science majors in History, History-Education, and Political Science, with minors in History, Political Science, Philosophy and Religion. While secondary (high school) teaching and government are the most obvious career paths, what else do our students do? Many career paths now require advanced degrees -- History, Political Science, Philosophy and Religion provide an excellent foundation for graduate school.

South Dakota State University's students frequently go for advanced degrees in law, public administration, museum studies, or to teach at the community or four-year college level. However, many of their graduates go into fields that have nothing to do with history, political science, philosophy or religion. Employers desire the critical, analytical, quantitative and writing skills of our majors and are willing to train you themselves in the specifics of the job. For example, the statistical software you learn in our Political Science Research Methods course has wide application beyond politics.

The grant writing our history work studies do for National History Day is useful wherever an employer needs fundraising. However, we firmly believe in internships, preferably paid, to make sure you are ready with the skills you need at the time of graduation.

The history curriculum is adaptable to personal interests and needs, allowing students to explore the past and make connections to the present. The Bachelor of Arts or the Bachelor of Science degree in history prepares students for careers in various professional occupations, law, journalism, teaching, business, public service, library sciences, international work, historical research, and provides a necessary background for graduate work or other specialized training.