The?geological sciences faculty have a wide range of expertise within the geosciences and are actively engaged in research. The department includes faculty with extensive background and experience in the realm of fieldwork, laboratory investigations, and theoretical work, including computer modeling. This diversity supports a modern curriculum and provides numerous opportunities for students to extend their education beyond the confines of the traditional classroom.

The department has a long history of active engagement within the cutting-edge field of remote sensing and supports these activities with both traditional courses and numerous applied research opportunities. In this regard, the department has been selected as the only one in the state?college system in Massachusetts to participate in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) sponsored Joint Venture (JOVE) program. This distinction led to collaborations with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory on remote sensing projects in Mexico, Alabama and Southeastern Massachusetts and the Goddard Space Flight Center on bolide impacts. Similar research projects, performed by both faculty and undergraduate students, are ongoing today.