By completing the BS in Psychology degree program, students will:

  • Have learned the pre-history and the history of Psychology including the evolution of its main issues, topic areas, methods, and applications
  • Know the major perspectives in Psychology, including Psychoanalytic Theory, Behaviorism, Humanistic Psychology, Social Learning, and Cognitive Behavioral Neuroscience
  • Understand the lifespan approach to human biological, cognitive, and psychosocial development
  • Be able to understand and provide examples of the major forms of psychological research, including methodologies such as naturalistic observation, surveys, case studies and archival research, and the main features and techniques of psychological experimentation
  • Understand basic data organization, presentation, and statistical analysis, including both inferential and descriptive statistics
  • Understand characteristics of psychological research, including the limitations of correlation research, experimental biases, placebo effects, and ethical issues regarding human subjects
  • Be able to critically evaluate the psychological research presented in the popular press and peer-reviewed journals
  • Be able to relate key psychological concepts and theories to their own personal lives
  • Understand how key psychological concepts and theories are applied in clinical, medical, educational, human services, and corporate settings
  • Understand connections between Psychology and such other disciplines as Biology, Philosophy, Business, Sociology, Religion, and Human Services