What is Economics?

Economics examines markets for everything, from small consumer items, like soft drinks and iPods, to global phenomena, like taxes and government debt. Economists use modern tools to investigate why markets behave as they do. Economists also study the role of government policy in helping, or hindering, the efficient functions of markets.

Economics is about...

  • Prices, tradeoffs, and scarcity
  • Costs, production, and labor markets
  • Inflation, interest rates, taxes, and deficits
  • The pros and cons of different government policies
  • The role of markets in an increasingly globalized world
  • Understanding the sequential rationality of economic activities

A degree in economics or business economics provides the holder with many critical analytical skills demanded by for-profit and nonprofit institutions. An economics degree is versatile, multifaceted, and in demand in a wide variety of occupations from business to government to academics. The degree also includes global aspects that are of increasing importance in today's diverse society.

The programs and course offerings are designed to provide a basic understanding of economic concepts, institutions, processes, and problems; to foster critical and analytical methods of thinking; and to lay the foundation for further study of economics.