This does not mean that the standards for theatre scholarship are any less rigorous than those in other disciplines, but it does mean that the theatre scholar must be prepared to use research methodologies and perspectives capable of illuminating performance. To this end, the education of a theatre scholar should entail ongoing experiences in theatre productions. 

Please note that successful completion of the MA program does not entail acceptance into the PhD program.

The MA program in theatre and performance studies has two tracks. Students must declare either track by the start of their third semester.

Thesis Track

  • The thesis grack requires students to write a substantial research document demonstrating mature critical thought based on independent study and investigation. This thesis track MA degree prepares students to pursue a PhD degree; students choose this track if they wish to apply to a doctoral program, either at CU or elsewhere. To complete the thesis track of the MA program, students must demonstrate proficiency in three areas: academic course work, the thesis and the final exam (oral).

Non-Thesis Track

  • Students who do not plan to pursue a PhD may wish to elect the non-thesis track, which requires written and oral exams covering graduate course work. Students in this track have the ability to undertake a project, normally in the form of an independent study.