The program is specifically addressed to the students in the Plan 1 major program of the Department of Physics. The Plan 1 physics major gives students a thorough grounding in theoretical physics so that they are well prepared either to proceed with graduate work or with professional employment. For students interested in graduate studies, the BA/MS program in physics allows for participation in graduate course work and research in a broad range of areas. For students interested in immediate professional employment, the BA/MS program would serve as a terminal degree program that qualifies students for a higher level of employment.

Students may obtain a master's degree as either an undergraduate student through the concurrent bachelor's/master's degree program or as a graduate student. Undergraduate students can apply to the concurrent bachelor's/master's degree program any time after completion of the typical first-semester junior physics classes and before graduation.

Graduate students are generally only admitted to the PhD program in physics. Therefore, graduate students who have completed their PhD comprehensive exam or who are unable to complete the PhD program may earn an MS degree en route to a PhD degree. In certain circumstances, students can be admitted to the graduate program for a terminal master's degree, in which case the prerequisites are the same as for the doctoral program.