The undergraduate degree in molecular, cellular and developmental biology emphasizes knowledge and awareness of:

  • the biological sciences in general and a detailed understanding of currently important aspects of cellular biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics and developmental biology; and
  • the relationship of the specialty area to broader areas of science and to society in general, including ethical issues raised by current biological research and by the rapid growth of biotechnology as an important shaping force for the future.

In addition, students completing the ­degree in molecular, cellular and developmental biology are expected to acquire the ability and skills to:

  • learn detailed laboratory ­procedures rapidly when the need arises;
  • demonstrate a scientific vocabulary and an understanding of research methods that permits the comprehension of  current journal articles, extraction of pertinent information and judgment of the quality of the work described;
  • evaluate a biological problem, determine which aspects are understood and apply basic research methods and techniques to the unknown aspects; and
  • communicate scientific concepts and analytical arguments clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing.