Computer science is concerned with how computers are constructed, how they store and process data, how they are used in problem solving, and how the quality of those solutions is assessed. It is about the science of creating software for a variety of users. It is about understanding how that software interacts with the hardware on which it is run. Computer science goes well beyond the machine to the study of how people interact with the technologies around them. Applications of computer science reach far and wide.

In addition, students completing the degree in computer science are expected to acquire the ability and skills to:

  • apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to the discipline.
  • identify, formulate and develop solutions to computational challenges.
  • use appropriate techniques, skills and tools necessary for computing practice.
  • design, implement and evaluate a computational system to meet desired needs within realistic constraints.
  • apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles and computer science theory in the modeling and design of computational systems in a way that demonstrates comprehension of the trade-offs involved in design choices.