It involves providing students with an interdisciplinary systems perspective of aerospace engineering. The curriculum accomplishes these goals by: 

  • providing a strong basis in mathematics, science, and engineering fundamentals; 
  • extending these fundamentals to advanced topics in aerospace engineering; 
  • complementing the engineering education with sufficient exposure to the humanities and social sciences; and 
  • beginning and ending in major design experiences that stress an interdisciplinary systems perspective. 

AES students are also encouraged to consider a technical minor or double major in electrical engineering, computer science, applied math, engineering physics, astrophysical and planetary sciences, or atmospheric and oceanic sciences. In most cases, the junior- and senior-level courses required for the above-mentioned minors can be applied to the professional area elective requirements. 

For students having sufficient ability and interest, planning for graduate study should begin by the start of the junior year. Such a plan should consider the foreign language requirements of appropriate graduate schools and an advanced mathematics program. Students who wish to combine the business and aerospace engineering sciences curricula are advised to consider obtaining the BS degree in aerospace and a master’s degree in business rather than a combined BS degree.