Four basic curricular options are provided for students pursuing the Bachelor of Music Education degree:

  • choral
  • choral?general
  • instrumental
  • instrumental?general

The choral-general and instrumental-general emphases include a larger concentration of course work and field experiences related to elementary general music teaching, while the choral and instrumental emphases involve more specialized course work and field experiences related to the teaching of choir, orchestra or band classes at the secondary level. Within each degree emphasis, students have a limited number of elective credits that may be used to further customize degree work according to their interests and needs.

As first-year students, BME students complete core studies in music and liberal arts. The first music education courses and early field experiences are completed during the sophomore year. During the junior year, students enroll in capstone methods courses and specialized electives that allow for more detailed and sustained study of curricular models, instructional materials, and teaching methods. Internships and full-time student teaching provide culminating experiences during the senior year, as students work in partnership with experienced public school teachers and assume the role and responsibilities of a professional music educator. Internship and student teaching placements are chosen in consultation with faculty advisors and the music education chair.