Graphic designers influence the way people think by converting ideas, information, and emotions into visual symbols. Their work is behind the websites you surf, the packaging of your favorite products, the signage that helps you navigate a space, and the book that you just can’t put down. Wherever you look, graphic design is embedded into the world, persuading and informing what you see and do every day.

In your classes and through internship opportunities, you’ll gain exposure to (and experience in) the field before you even graduate. Our curriculum reflects new technologies and industry trends and blends them with typography, illustration, photography, and design history. While learning the latest software is important, to design well you'll need to develop skills in drawing, analysis, communication, and conceptual development.

Graphic Design Careers

The Graphic Design at Suffolk University graduates work across all media and around the globe. Whether your studies lead you to become a web designer, a creative director, work in television, or run your own studio, graphic design is a diverse and growing field. Our grads have held design positions at many notable companies, including the Boston Red Sox, Walt Disney, Reebok International, Arnold World Wide, HBO, and the White House (yes that White House), just to name a few.