You’ll learn to be an interdisciplinary problem-solver, drawing from the natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences. You’ll develop a comprehensive understanding of complex environmental issues. Focus your studies with a concentration in Environmental Policy or Urban Environmentalism. You might enhance your studies with service learning for an environmental organization, study abroad in Costa Rica or the Galapagos Islands, or a research project with classmates right here in Boston. You’ll take your science courses in our brand-new building that features state-of-the-art labs and research facilities.

This nvironmental Studies major at Suffolk University requires a practicum—a hands-on learning experience that lets you apply your knowledge to solving real-world environmental challenges. Environmental studies majors have completed theirs at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Sierra Club, Youth Climate Action Network, and Greenpeace. 

After graduation, you can advance your studies in a master’s or doctoral program, or find rewarding work in settings that range from government agencies and think tanks to environmentally focused nonprofits and advocacy and education groups. You might also work in public health and corporate sustainability.


Whether you’re advocating for better air quality in urban areas or finding new ways to deliver healthy food to people in food deserts, Suffolk will help you find a way to turn ideas into reality. After establishing a foundation with coursework in both science and humanities, you’ll tackle research projects and service-learning classes at environmental organizations. In addition to this hands-on experience, you’ll also have the option to complete an internship. Suffolk places students at many organizations both locally and nationwide, including:

  • Greenpeace
  • Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
  • The Sierra Club
  • The Youth Climate Action Network